Marielle Degioanni

Born in 1978. She lives and works in Bouches-du-Rhône.


Marielle Degioanni was trained in applied arts from the baccalaureate and obtained a BTS in visual communication in 1998. She gradually developed her drawing practice and followed a D.U. in artistic mediation therapy with a speciality in plastic arts at the University of Paris V Descartes in 2015. In parallel with her plastic research, which will intensify from 2012, she teaches in art schools.

“The drawings created are on the side of reverie and allegory, in a dreamlike and surrealist representation where the vegetal and the feminine are coupled, hybridized or side by side like sister entities, they are spaces of contemplation where the sensible and the metaphorical figuration unfold in an economy-of-means, playing with lisibility as if to better extract from it the sensible substance, the revealed interiority.” — Marielle Degioanni September 2019

Solo Exhibition

Galerie Lligat, 19 May to 31 July 2021, Perpignan, France

“Espèces de dessins”, Galerie Espèces d’espaces, Paris, France

Group Exhibition

“Œuvres au noir”, Galerie Lligat, from 10.22 to 12.22, Perpignan, Occitania.
Anonymous Drawings, Galerie Im Koernerpark, 18.06 – 24.08, Berlin


“SALO IX”, Erotic Drawing Fair, curator : Laurent Quénéhen, Paris, France
Laniakea #1 : Drawing session, curators : Anne Malherbe et Bogdan Pavlovic, 25.02 to 7.03 2021, La Ruche, Paris, France
“La dernière avant 2021”,, Galerie Ségolène Brossette 19.12 to 27.02 2021, Paris, France

“Le lien – corps en éclosion”, Galerie Hors-Champs, Paris, France
“SALO VIII”, curator : Laurent Quénéhen, Paris, France
« Divagations amoureuses », curator : Madeleine Filippi, Galerie Ségolène Brossette, Paris, France
Lille Art Fair, Galerie Art to Be Gallery, Lille, France
“Salon de la mort”, Galerie Bertrand Grimond, curator : Laurent Quénéhen, Paris, France

“Cabinet de Curiosités 09”, Galerie Da-End, Paris, France
“L’envers du décor”, Galerie Da-End, Paris, France
“SALO VII”, Erotic Drawing Fair, curator : Laurent Quénéhen, Paris, France
“Amours”, commissaire : Laurent Quénéhen, Galerie Plateforme, Paris, France

“Papiers Dessinés #2”, Galerie Da-End, Paris, France
Anonymous Drawings 2018, Gallery Im Körnerpark, Berlin, Germany
Join The Dots / Unire le Distanze, Imago Mundi Art, Luciano Benetton Collection, Trieste, Italy
SALO VI, curator : Laurent Quénéhen, Paris, France
Launch of the collection “Fantasma” published by Joie Panique, Galerie La Régulière, Paris, France
“Cabinet de curiosités #8”, Galerie Da-End, Paris, France

“Les Minuscules”, Galerie Céline Moine, Lyon, France
Lyon Art Paper, Palais de Bondy, Lyon, France
“SALO V”, Galerie Episodique, curator : Laurent Quénéhen, Paris, France
“Cabinet de curiosités #7”, Galerie Da-End, Paris, France.
BAM (Biennale Arcipelago Mediterraneo), Imago Mundi Art, Luciano Benetton Collection, curator for France : Isabelle Valembras, Palermo, Sicily

“Derrière Vénus”, Galerie Da-End, curator : Amélie Adamo, Paris, France
Paris Artistes, Bastille Design Center + Académie d’architecture, Paris, France
“Enormous Tiny Art Show #20”, Nahcotta Gallery, Portsmouth, NH, USA

“Enormous Tiny Art Show #18”, Nahcotta Gallery, Portsmouth, NH, USA

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