Œuvres au noir
22.10.2022 | 10.12.2022
Free entrance
2pm to 7pm from Wednesday to Saturday
Opening Saturday 29 October 2022 from 3pm to 9pm – 12 rue de la révolution française Perpignan 66000. Occitania.
Group Exhibition
Photographs, paper and textile art.
With Didier Béquillard, Marielle Degioanni, Philippe Domergue, Frédéric Sabouraud, Muriel Valat-B, Didier Van Der Borght.
— Marguerite Yourcenar said of Zeno, the character in “L’Œuvre au Noir”: “He is in the process of living the Œuvre au noir, that is to say, the period of dissolution and calcination of all the concepts, all the prejudices, all the notions on which we are accustomed to living. Thus, the artist who approaches the black can, in the path of Pierre Soulages, turn light into matter and reverse the rules of perception. But he can also, in a radical gesture, give a pause to signs, thwart meaning, experiment with eyesight, burn images, fry matter. He can, on the threshold of silence, of disappearance, undo his own practice or seek in the night to appropriate all its data. He can ink, ink more and more, make baths of black ink absorbed by fabrics and threads which, once dry, will gain an unprecedented hold. He can hallucinate, see nature, which we know is threatened, lose its chlorophyll; he can seek blindness and take up the question posed by Marielle Degioanni in the face of darkness: Do you Glow?
And by appointment at 06 14 36 40 01
12 rue de la révolution française 66000 Perpignan
Intercom Gallery Lligat
![Didier Van der Borght, Opuntia humifusa II, 2022.Photographie, tirage argentique sur papier, 50X50cm [cadre 70X70].](https://galerielligat.com/wp-content/themes/porto/images/lazy.png)

Impression jet d’encre Epson ultrachrome sur papier Epson semi-gloss 270g.